Questions about sending PDFs:

How can I send a PDF by post?

You can upload your PDF easily without registration via the superpost website. Simply drag and drop the PDF into the designated area or select and upload the file by clicking on the "Upload PDF" button.

Upload PDF

Which format must my PDF have?

The largest format your PDF can be in is A4 (portrait). PDF documents in smaller formats are centred on A4 pages.

How many pages can my PDF include?

superpost allows you to send PDF documents up to 12 pages long.

What is the maximum size of the PDF file?

superpost accepts PDF documents up to a maximum of 8 MB.

What should I do if my PDF is too large?

If your PDF is larger than 8 MB, you’ll have to compress it before uploading it to superpost. You can do this using free tools such as smallpdf.

Can I upload a password-protected or read-only PDF?

Yes, superpost can process encrypted PDF documents, as long as they can be opened without entering a password.

Will my document be printed without borders?

No, borderless printing is not possible. For printing reasons, a restricted area of 5 mm is used. Contents in this area are automatically removed by superpost.

What is the purpose of the cover page?

The cover page is required to show the recipient's address in the letter’s address window. In addition, an optional message can be written on the cover page. When a PDF is uploaded, the PDF pages are placed behind the cover page.

On the top right-hand side, you can find a QR code. This offers the recipient useful features for further digital processing after scanning. For example, the recipient can download the letter as a PDF with or without the QR code or forward it by email.

The QR code is valid for 1 month after sending.

Is it possible to send PDF documents with form content?

Yes, a PDF with filled form fields can be uploaded to superpost and will be processed correctly.

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